Design of Transdermal Delivery Patches of Diclofenac Sodium Using Different Concentrations of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Evaluation on the Physicochemical and Dissolution Profile of the Patches


Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose


Background: Long term use of oral diclofenac sodium is associated with higher risk of adverse effects. Diclofenac sodium which is formulated in transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) shows a lower rate of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) associated adverse effects and at the same time providing sufficient pain relief.

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) on the physicochemical properties and dissolution 
profile of diclofenac sodium transdermal patches.

Materials and Methods: Different formulation of diclofenac sodium transdermal patches had been formulated using the solvent evaporation method. Each of the formulation was evaluated based on the parameters of moisture content, flatness, thickness and folding endurance. A paddle type of dissolution tester was used to investigate the in vitro drug release profile of formulation F1, F3, 
and F5 of the diclofenac sodium transdermal patches. One-way ANOVA test with post hoc analysis was used to analyse the moisture content, thickness, folding endurance, and dissolution tests.

Results: The results of the physicochemical tests showed that increase in concentrations of HPMC would increase the moisture content and thickness of the diclofenac sodium transdermal patch. On the other hand, other physicochemical properties such 
as flatness and folding endurance of the diclofenac sodium transdermal patch were not affected by change in the concentrations of HPMC. Formulations F1, F3 and F5 showed optimum results because these formulations possesses suitable physicochemical characteristics, including moisture content, flatness and folding endurance. The in vitro drug release study revealed that increase in the concentrations of HPMC would increase the time taken for the drug to diffuse out from the polymer matrix of transdermal patch.

Conclusion: This study showed that change in the concentrations of HPMC would affect the physicochemical properties such 



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