Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Drug Delivery Film of Diclofenac Sodium Using Polyvinylpyrrolidone as Film-Forming Agent


Diclofenac Sodium
Solvent Evaporation Technique
Rapid Drug Release
Burst Release


Background: Diclofenac sodium has been widely used to reduce inflammation, fever and pain in patients. Oral administration of diclofenac sodium was associated with adverse effects of gastric ulcer and gastrointestinal bleeding. Transdermal drug delivery film has been practiced to replace oral dosage form to minimize side effects.

Aim: The aim of this study was to study the drugpolymer interaction between diclofenac sodium and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP).

Materials & method : Concentrations of PVP ranging from 3% w/v to 8% w/v, propylene glycol, citric acid anhydrous and methanol were used to formulate transdermal drug delivery film and diclofenac sodium was used as active pharmaceutical ingredient. Solvent evaporation technique was used to formulate transdermal films. All the six formulations were subjected to drugpolymer interaction study and evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics including thickness, weight variation, moisture content, folding endurance and in vitro drug release.

Results: Formulated transdermal films showed increased thickness of films with increase in PVP concentrations. However, inconsistent results of weight variation, moisture content and folding endurance were observed when the concentration of PVP increased. In vitro drug release study showed that when PVP concentration increased, the drug release also increased. At the beginning of dissolution, a rapid release for more than 50% of the drug was observed. Based on the drug release profile, transdermal films formulated with 8% w/v PVP concentration were preferred in this study as it had the highest drug release
among the three formulations that were selected to conduct drug release study.

Conclusion: Diclofenac sodium and PVP can be incorporated and concentrations of PVP has an influence on the physico-chemical characteristics and in vitro drug release.



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