Background: The recent global Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak highlights the urgent development of ZIKV vaccines that offer rapid, precise and specific protection to those living in the high-risk regions. Despite many publications on in vitro development of ZIKV subunits as the vaccine candidates, due to the lack of knowledge on humoral and cellular immune responses against virus vaccines, a commercialized vaccine against Flavivirus in Philippines has been suspended due to a health scare in the public. Moreover, the close relationship between DENV and ZIKV has indicated serological cross-reactivity between both viruses. This has led to greater attentions to precautions needed during the design of ZIKV and DENV vaccines.
Materials and Methods: We pre-selected, synthesized and expressed the domain III of ZIKV envelope protein (namely rEDIII) based on a previously-established report (GenBank: AMC13911.1). The characteristics of purified ZIKV rEDIII was tested using SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and LC-MS/MS. Then, we assessed the possible outcome of pre-existing immunity against the rEDIII proteins by conducting dot-blotting assays using mice antisera pre-immunised with ZIKV particles (ZIKV strain: MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015, GenBank: KU647676).
Results: We were able to express ZIKV rEDIII protein in bacterial system with valid protein conformation. Also, it was interesting that the pre-immunised hamster antiserum was able to recognise the rEDIII, which was sourced from a different ZIKV strain (GenBank: AMC13911.1). Conclusion: Despite its great antigenicity in eliciting humoral and cellular immunity against ZIKV infection, our finding calls for greater attention to evaluate the details of ZIKV rEDIII as a stand-alone vaccine candidate.
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