Background: Various oral health problems can be affected with the presence of malocclusion such as compromising on dentofacial esthetics, speech, mandibular function, and psychological wellbeing of the individual. The degree of severity of malocclusion needs to be evaluated beforehand to plan orthodontic treatment accurately. This study was done to assess the application of dental health component and aesthetic component of IOTN among dental undergraduates. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 40 BDS students (24 females and 16 males) belonging to 2012-13 batch in their final year with a mean age of 24±2 years for grading the study models and photographs from the orthodontic department patient record library. The cast and photographs were examined for the dental health component (DHC) and esthetic component (EC) at faculty of dentistry, SEGi university. Results: The mean measurements of overjet, crossbite, displacement and overbite were 3.85mm, 4.09mm, 6.63mm and 4.34mm respectively of the students as against 3.50mm, 4.50mm, 7.00mm and 4.00mm of the control. The mean measurements were almost like the control value in overbite, crossbite and displacement. However, there was some variation with the measurement of overjet. 75% of students were able to get similar results as the control in the dental health component of IOTN while only 25% managed to get similar results with the control with the aesthetic component. Conclusion: Therefore, this suggests more emphasis is required in training before the skill demonstration of recording dental health component parameters and aesthetic component appreciation which can bias the overall grading and referral.
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