Microbial Growth Inhibitory Activities of Extracts from the Peels, Juice Vesicles, and Seeds of Citrus paradisi




Introduction: Citrus paradisi is abundant in insoluble pectin fibre, rich in vitamin C and phytochemicals. With the increasing resistance of common clinically-important pathogens (especially bacteria) to antibiotics today, it brings the focus to antimicrobial properties of plant extracts containing bioactive phytochemical compounds which can potentially kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Objective: This study aims to measure the antimicrobial effects of methanolic extracts of C. paradisi peels, juice vesicles, and seeds. Materials and methods: These samples were procured fresh and processed prior to antimicrobial assays, including disk-diffusion assays and minimum inhibitory concentration tests. In addition, independent t-tests and 1-way ANOVA were integrated to study the significance of microbial growth inhibition. Results: B. subtilis was found possessing the highest sensitivity towards all extracts, especially to juice vesicles and seed extracts. Other microorganisms (eg. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) exhibited a moderate level of tolerance or sensitivity towards different extracts. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the antimicrobial effects of C. paradisi juice vesicles. We have also highlighted the needs in identifying and investigating the phytochemical(s) which are effective in inhibiting microbial growth.



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