A Preliminary Institutional Study on Short Term Effects of Dietary Intake and Physical Status in Edentulous Patients after Prosthodontic Rehabilitation.



Background: Edentulism in the elderly population has been related to changes in food intake and nutritional deficiency as it has a measurable impact on mastication. Providing denture helps in enhancing the chewing ability and dietary intake of the elderly population, thus improving their physical status. Aim: The objectives for this study were to identify the preliminary changes in physical status of edentulous patients, to identify the changes in calorie intake, and to examine the association between calorie intake with physical status of edentulous individuals before and after prosthodontic rehabilitation. Methodology: This cross-sectional study involved 39 patients. The parameters used to conduct the study for evaluating and comparing the dietary intake with physical status were clinical extra oral and intra oral examination of the patients, anthropometric records and 24-hour dietary recall method. Results: In 51.3% of the patients, there was increase in calorie intake after prosthodontic rehabilitation. Meanwhile, 28.8% had decrease in calorie intake and 20.5% showed no difference in their calorie intake. For the association between calorie intake with physical status, 33.3% showed an increase in calorie intake and normal BMI. While 25.6% showed a decrease in calorie intake with normal BMI after rehabilitation, 15.4% had no changes in their calorie intake with normal BMI. Conclusion: Majority of edentulous patients before and after prosthodontic rehabilitation displayed low calorie intake than the recommended value. There was an increase in calorie intake after rehabilitation while there was no significant difference between calorie intake and physical status of patients before and after prosthodontic rehabilitation.


World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights

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