Dual Dental Anomalies: Fusion and Talon's Cusp Coexisting in the Mandibular Anterior Region


Anterior teeth
Talon cusp
Mandibular permanent teeth,


The fusion of two teeth and the presence of a talon cusp are prevalent developmental anomalies frequently encountered by clinicians. Typically, these anomalies are observed as isolated occurrences and rarely in conjunction with other dental irregularities. Talon cusp predominantly manifests in the maxillary anterior teeth within the permanent dentition, while fusion is more frequently observed in the mandibular teeth during the primary dentition phase. The simultaneous presence of a talon cusp and fusion in the mandibular permanent teeth is exceedingly rare and scarcely documented in the literature. This article delineates an unusual case of the fusion of permanent mandibular central and lateral incisors, accompanied by a talon cusp on the lingual aspect, in an elderly patient, resulting in periodontitis.



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